[ARCHIVED] Discrepancy between Canvas Data "graded_at" and Submissions API "graded at" values?

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I was comparing submissions data and noticed a difference between the "graded_at" dates that were returned via Canvas Data in Redshift and the Submissions API.  I suspect it is timezone-related since it matches some of the time but not all the time, but wanted to confirm what we are seeing and understand why.

I am looking at submissions_dim.graded_at and comparing to what gets returned via API  /api/v1/courses/:course_id/students/submissions for graded_at value.  e.g.  for canvas course 618, assignment 4972, student 262554, Redshift returns 2/23/15 for graded_at while API returns 2/22/15.  For canvas course 618, assignment 4889, student 262554, the dates match.

Please advise, thanks.

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1 Solution

Hi Ruby,

I checked the api results for the submission in question against the submission_dim for it and it looks like it's currently matching up. Nothing comes to mind in regards to a change we made that would account for this working correctly now. Can you let us know if you see it crop up again? The timestamp data in both the api in Canvas and the Canvas Data exports to redshift should both be in UTC.


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