[ARCHIVED] Do I need to remove requirements for an unpublished page?

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I am currently teaching a course that is widely used within my organization and so a standard course has been provided for all teachers of the course. I don't want to use some of the individual pages within a module so am going to unpublish the individual pages. My question is, will any requirements for completion and advancement associated with that page also be removed and have no effect or do I need to go in to the module settings and delete those requirements so the students can advance through the module?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @matsp . I just double-checked on this and even if there is a module requirement for something when you unpublish it a student can complete the module. So I think you should be safe to unpublish the items you do not plan to use without the worry of module requirements for now. You may want to go back in later and clean those up just to prevent any chance of confusion later.

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