[ARCHIVED] Drop quiz question points similar to assignment group dropping assignments

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Is there any way to drop points in a quiz similar to the way an assignment group can be set up to drop a certain number of scores?

I have a situation with an instructor who wants to give quizzes worth 10 points however, there are 12 questions. Each question is worth one point. He would like to be able to allow students to miss up to two questions but still get the 10 points (100%) for the quiz. If the student misses a third question, they get nine points, etc. The caveat to this is that if a student answers all 12 questions correctly, they still only get 10 points. The extra two points for the additional two questions are dropped. There is no extra credit.

Is there any way to accomplish this?

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I can't think of any way to do this automatically.  I think what I would do is to have the first 10 questions worth one point each and questions 11 and 12 be worth 0 points (if the numbers divided well I'd say make them all equal and worth something less than a point, but in this case it would be 0.83333333 and that isn't pretty).  Then after the quiz manually go through them in Speed Grader and use the Fudge Points box to add additional points as needed.  Yes, it's very manual, but I can't think of any other way to do it. 


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Thanks for the response. I didn't think about fudge points as I was only thinking automatic grading, which I figured there would be no way to do this (sounds like a feature request, huh?).

This would be a viable option for the professor this semester as thus far he only has three students enrolled in the course. Not sure what his students numbers will be in other semesters however.


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Chris, thanks for the nudge. Mark's answer will work for the time being. The last conversation I had with the instructor was that he would like to have the quizzes automatically grade and drop the extra 2 points if someone answered all questions correctly, then do the other math automatically depending on the number of questions they answered incorrect. Seeing that this is not able to be done (feature request...), we will have to go with the fudge points options for now. He anticipates the student population for this course to explode, thus having the quizzes auto grade would be the best option.

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