[ARCHIVED] Error with the time left in my evaluations, please help!

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Hi, i am having problems with my evaluations, specifically with the time. My course teacher gives me 90 min for example, but when I start my exam it closes with 1 min of time, or when I answer the first question and move on to the second, the evaluation closes as if it had already finished.

I have tried changing my browser (chrome, edge and firefox), I have also changed my internet provider and I have even used other computers but the problem still persists. So far the university has not corrected the problem. I hope you can help me.

this is the error message that I ge

{"Backup": false, "end_at":"2020-11-11T02:45:00Z", "end_at_without_time_limit":2020-11-11T02:45:00Z","time_left":4900}

sorry for english, I don't speak english

Thanks a lotcaptura error canvas.pngcaptura error canvas2.png

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1 Solution
Community Champion


I don't speak Spanish, but Google helped me determine that your teacher did not add a time limit to the test you shared in your screenshot. You can see this where it states, "Limite de tiempo - Ninguno" at the top left.


I did note that the test is set to only be available for 90 minutes. You will not this at "Disponible 10 de nov en 2020 - 10 de nov en 2130". What this availability setting means is that you can start this quiz any time after 8:20 pm (2020 hours), but must complete it by 9:30 pm (2130). When that availability time runs out, Canvas will automatically submit the quiz.

I strongly suggest that you contact your teacher, explain your misunderstanding, and request an additional attempt. No need to contact the university, you can contact your teacher directly using the Canvas Inbox. See How do I send a message to a user in a course.............?

Below, I have provided this same answer in Spanish using Google Translate. I hope this all makes sense.



No hablo español, pero Google me ayudó a determinar que tu profesor no agregó un límite de tiempo a la 
prueba que compartiste en tu captura de pantalla. Puedes ver esto donde dice "Limite de tiempo - Ninguno"
en la parte superior izquierda. Noté que la prueba está configurada para estar disponible solo durante 90 minutos. No lo hará en
"Disponible 10 de nov en 2020 - 10 de nov en 2130". Lo que significa esta configuración de disponibilidad es
que puede comenzar este cuestionario en cualquier momento después de las 8:20 pm (2020 horas), pero debe completarlo
antes de las 9:30 pm (2130). Cuando se agote el tiempo de disponibilidad, Canvas enviará automáticamente el cuestionario. Le sugiero que se comunique con su maestro, explique su malentendido y solicite un intento adicional.
No es necesario ponerse en contacto con la universidad, puede ponerse en contacto con su profesor directamente
mediante la bandeja de entrada de Canvas. Consulte ¿Cómo envío un mensaje a un usuario en un curso .............? A continuación, he proporcionado esta misma respuesta en español usando Google Translate. Espero que todo esto tenga sentido. Kelley


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