[ARCHIVED] External Links Icon

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How do I get rid of the external links icon? I read the following in a discussion board, but it doesn't make sense to me.   "I managed to get rid of the icon by copying the table, erasing what was there, and pasting it back in."

Thank you

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1 Solution
Community Champion

My apologies for not posting to here sooner, but I hadn't seen this. I came across this concern about a year ago, and found a solution via the HTML Editor. You can add the class not_external and set a target for the anchor to maintain the functionality of the link opening in a new window while removing the ui-icon-extlink.

<a href="https://google.com/">Google Search</a>

would become

<a class="not_external" href="https://google.com/" target="_blank">Google Search</a>

Beyond editing the HTML, I was unable to identify a method of removing the icon.

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