[ARCHIVED] Extra Credit Quiz workaround?

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Hi all!

If I make a 10 question quiz worth 0 points and then I go through and grade it by using the fudge points feature to add points for each question the student got right (If a student got 5 questions right, I would add 5 fudge points), will that work as a possible 10-pt Extra Credit quiz?  I hope my question makes sense.  Thanks for your help!

All the best,


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Community Champion

Hi  @raugust  - Basically, yes.  Really, any assignment that is worth 0 points for which you ultimately give more than 0 points to is going to function as extra credit.  The scenario you describe is, in fact, somewhat addressed directly within this online lesson:  How do I give extra credit in a course? , though the example shown has a quiz question worth 1 point, but still the result would be the same....extra points for the student.  If you are using weighted assignment groups, however, things get a bit different.  The extra credit would could only within that specific assignment group.  To go beyond that, you should take a look at Extra credit using weighted assignment groups. 

Finally, there is a Feature Idea out there that you may want to vote up: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1326-mark-a-quiz-as-extra-credit .

Hope this helps, Bobby.

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