[ARCHIVED] Frustrating matters with the whitelist feature

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi everyone,

We have customized our registration page in Catalog and Instructure support has told us that it is due to our custom JS that the whitelist feature is not working correctly such that non-umd (Gmail for example) users can get into courses when the domain is whitelisted with only allowing umd.edu users to enroll.
Does anyone know the line of code that is being used attached to be able to get the whitelist to work as it should be? Here are the release notes I am speaking of https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26859-catalog-release-notes-2020-06-20#jive_content_id_Regi...
Instructure support will not help at all since they do not handle custom code and leaves it up to us to fix but they will not provide us with the line of code that is making this feature not work properly. Thank you in advance for your help!
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