[ARCHIVED] How do you import a course from 'share to commons'?

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Community Novice

When trying to share to commons, I am having difficulty.  

I need to merge this year's homeroom course with last year's homeroom course to obtain my current year's student class list.  The final step in the process continues to say 'resource pending'.  In the 'import/download' screen, I am clicking on both of the homeroom courses- one from last year and one from this year.  

Please advise.


Jenelle Gaffney 

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Hi Jenelle,

Happy to help out and lets see if we can get you back up and running!

I wanted to clarify a couple of things as I may have missed something. You mentioned needing to merge this year's course with last years, I assume you want to get all the content from last year into this year is that correct?

You also mentioned that you want to do this to obtain this year's current student list. I wanted to make sure I have interpreted this correctly in that you want to bring the content over into the current subject so that you have the content and the correct student in the new course?

I am not entirely sure on the last point, (If you can share a screenshot that would be very helpful). Having said that, I may be able to make this even easier with a different Canvas function! If you have a look at this document https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12935-415257077  you can copy content directly between courses that you have access to without needing to put the content up into Canvas Commons. Would that suit your needs of what you are hoping to achieve?

Let me know if that gets you on the right path (or if I have misinterpreted things!)

Look forward to hearing from you!


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