[ARCHIVED] How to get sis_id in quiz report generated by API?

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I've written a script to generate and download reports for all quizzes in a course, but it turns out that reports generated this way do not include the sis_id for the students.  If the report is generated manually, this appears as the third column, but I can't figure out a way to get the same data in the API generated version.  I've tried adding 'quiz_report[include]=sis_user_id' (and just 'sis_id'), but that did not seem to do anything.  Does anyone know how to get the sis_user_id in the api generated quiz report?


-David Rios

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1 Solution
Community Champion

 @riosd  ,

Does the user running the script have permissions to obtain the SIS IDs?

The reason I ask is because when Canvas makes the call to generate the student analysis, it uses the API call. There should be no difference between what you get from the API and what Canvas gets, one exception being if the token being used doesn't have the permissions to view the SIS IDs.

It makes a POST with a payload of


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