[ARCHIVED] How to hide announcements in Canvas.

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Community Novice

I would like to hide old announcements in my courses. I do not need them deleted, I just want to hide them if that is possible.  If so, directions on how to do that are appreciated!

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4 Solutions
Community Champion

Hi  @kveilleux ​ - You and about 137+ other people would love to do this, and unfortunately this is currently not possible in Canvas.  I got that number from this Feature Idea:  , and you can see that although it's a year old and HAS received a response from Instructure, this has still not been developed yet.  What you basically want to do is be able to "unpublish" old announcements that have imported over from a previous course site, similar to the way other things can be unpublished elsewhere.  You may want to scan through that discussion under the Feature Idea for some ideas.  The always-resourceful and great stefaniesanders​ suggests one common workaround of doing a selective import rather than a total import.  Even if you do not have a sandbox course site, that's a good idea to at least remove ones that you KNOW you will not be using again.  I hear this many times from my own faculty, and everyone agrees this ability is overdue, but I'm afraid there's little that can be done right now.  Let's hope soon!

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Community Novice

Yes, I would love to be able to hide old announcements from a previous semester, so I can reuse these comments, editing them when necessary. Why can't we do this?

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Community Novice

What I did was delay the posting until later.  Announcements that I will use next fall for example I pick a date in August and then they will not show up.

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This was exactly what I needed! Thanks for the suggestion!

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