[ARCHIVED] How to put reactions on Studio questions

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I have a question about Studio; I've looked at all the manuals but can't find an immediate answer.

Below you can see that I asked 2 questions about this video. Students answer every question. Now I would like to respond to everyone's answer, but that is exactly not possible. Then I thought, I'm going to respond at the bottom by mentioning them via @, but that doesn't work either. Is this correct? What's the added value if I can't respond, not in writing, not verbally? 


Can somebody tell me how I solv this problem? 

Thanks, Barbara

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1 Solution

Here's the lesson that covers Canvas Studio specifically: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-9690-50736656948 

This looks amazing! I wish I could use it with students. Smiley Happy

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