[ARCHIVED] Is there a way to just click a word and have the pronunciation play?

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Hi, I am developing a foreign language course and it would really be beneficial to be able to click a word and have the pronunciation play. Currently, I do not see a way to do that without uploading an audio file and then adding it next to the word or below the word. 


Here is what I am doing right now:

340317_Screen Shot 2020-01-01 at 2.46.38 PM.png          



This is what I would like to be able to do:

340318_Screen Shot 2020-01-01 at 2.54.45 PM.png

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi  @boozerl ‌,

Microsoft have recently released their immersive reader for free to all EdTech companies, and canvas has it installed for pages.  You'll need to make sure your canvas admins have turned it on in the feature options but this does precisely what you are asking for.  It will even show the word in both English and the foreign language for you if you set it up correctly.  Here's a great video showing you what it can do. (Warning it's a long one) What is the Immersive Reader? - YouTube 

Once your admins have turned the feature on it'll appear as a button in the top right when your students are browsing pages in canvas.

Hope this helps!


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