[ARCHIVED] Is there a way to only show students incorrect quiz answers?

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I like to use some quizzes as a way for the students to self-access subject knowledge by allowing them multiple attempts.  My theory being that they can then focus study time on weak areas.  It appears that Canvas will only allow me to show all the responses or only the correct answers. 

I only want them to see their incorrect answers.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

tkovar​, Canvas does not have a setting that allows you to show only the incorrectly answered questions to students selectively. You can suppress the correct answers, so that while students will know that they got those questions correct, they won't see what the correct answer is. Nevertheless, students will still see all of the questions if you use this setting. I actually like using this setting; like you, I allow multiple attempts on quizzes, and I also write extensive feedback for each question, so students are able to view the feedback on all of the questions, not just the ones they got wrong. They are still able to zero in on the questions they got wrong, and can take advantage of the resource links I provide them to improve their score the next time around.

 @kona ​ has written a comprehensive resource that walks through all of the various permutations of quiz settings, and I hope it will help you decide how to deploy your Canvas quizzes to achieve your desired result: Quiz Settings to Maximize Security

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