[ARCHIVED] Issue with Student Submissions on App vs. Computer

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One of my students has been using the Canvas Student app to take pictures and submit for assignments.  On the app, the assignment shows as submitted.  On the computer, the assignment shows as missing (not submitted).  On the teacher's end, it also shows as missing (no submission).

I believe the student is using the iOS app.

Does anyone have experience with this and possible solutions?  The student has a hard time submitting photos from their computer so they would prefer to use the app... if it will actually submit the assignment.

Thank you!

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @kchace -

It's super important that your student is using the most up-to-date version of Canvas Student. I believe it's 6.9.8. There were a few known issues that have been improved or fixed. Could you ask your student to update their device to the most recent version of iOS and Canvas Student? I hope that helps them!

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