[ARCHIVED] LTI 1.3 Login Initiation issue

Community Member

My lti 1.3 tool oidc_initiation_url is receiving an lti_message_hint of


When decoded, this equates to having a header of {"typ":"JWT","alg":"HS256"}

When I try to use HS256 and the Canvas Developer Key as the secret I cannot match the signature I generate with the signature on the JWT in lti_message_hint.

Two questions...

Why is the lti_message_hint being passed as HS256 instead of RS256? I set the Developer Key up using RS256 and provided a JWK so the public key could be used by Canvas.

If I need to use HS256 to verify the JWT in lti_message_hint, then please could someone clarify what I should be using as the shared secret? I have tried both Developer Key and Public Key and neither return the same signature as passed in the JWT.

I have failed to find any Canvas documentation that explains how the signature is being generated for the lti_message_hint JWT.

Thank you.

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