[ARCHIVED] Late policy that is not dependent on how late the assignment is

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My late policy is that any assignment that is late takes a 10% penalty. It does not matter if it's 1 minute late or 2 weeks late, the penalty is always 10%. If a student submits an assignment graded as a 100%, but it's late, it's given a 90% final score. If a student submits an assignment graded as a 20%, but it's late, it's given a 10% final score. 

How can I set this up in canvas to automatically take 10% off if an assignment is late. I don't want to use the "per hour" or "per day" feature. It doesn't matter how late it is, just if it's late at all.


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach


There is currently no option to automatically apply the kind of late policy you are describing, as far as I can see.  The 10% late deduction will need to be applied manually.

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