[ARCHIVED] Missing Quiz Submission

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We had a cohort take a course in the fall and write a final exam.  The exam has a front piece that has multiple choice and true and false.  And a second piece that has long answers that need to be marked by the instructor. 

One of the students needed a rewrite on the long answers so we changes the start and end time of the exam and applied it just to him so he had a window to take the exam again.

However, in the mean time one of the fall student's long answers got missed and he is now missing his full mark.  I can see in Gradebook History that he has earned 37/80 so far but we need to access his long answers to finish the marking.  I can't seem to access the long answers submission.  How can I find his submission?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @AGbauer 

If I am reading your question correctly, it sounds to me like you revised the Canvas quiz to extend it's availability dates, then assigned that revised quiz to just one student.

If this is correct, then what you did was, you removed any previous attempts by anybody else who had previously been assigned to the quiz. What you should have done was use the Moderate Quiz function to extend the availability of the final exam to just that one student who needed it. You can fix this by re-editing the quiz, and reassigning it to everybody. This should return the work of the student who response to the essay item was deleted. What you should have done, was leave the quiz assigned to everyone then add an additional Assign To by clicking the plus mark (+), and assigning it to the student who needs the extra time, and extend that student's availability times. This guide will show you how, How do I assign a quiz to an individual student?

In short:

  • Restore the "Assign to Everyone" setting, and
  • Add an additional "Assign to" for the student who needs more.

We see lots of new Canvas teachers make this mistake.

I hope this helps,


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