[ARCHIVED] Moving pages between sections in ePortfolio

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I cannot figure out how to move an ePortfolio page from one section to another.  This information is not available in the guides, all it shows is how to reorder the pages already in a section, or create or delete them.  I accidentally put all of my pages into the home section instead of the different sections they should be in.  I assume the program allows pages to be moved between sections, why is the method to do so not in the guides?  If it does not have this functionality, why would it not?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

I am sorry to say,  @rmattson1 , that I​ do NOT think this is possible.  I speak from only modest experience of guiding our faculty members at my institution through creating ePortfolios for their contract renewals, but I was asked this very question and I could not figure out a way to do this.  The ONLY (kind of) work-around depends on the type of material included.  If, for example, you are talking primarily about a web-based PAGE that you used the rich content editor for, you will  have to (yes...) create a new page in the new section you create, but then go back to the original page and copy/paste the text from one editor into the other.  (Even better, in my opinion, would be to do this from the HTML editor in each one to be absolutely certain everything gets captured.) 

On the other hand, if you have links to files or images, after you (again...) create the new placeholder in the new section, the files and images you originally uploaded when creating the page should now be stored in your personal FILES page, and the Choose File button that appears in that editor should allow you to somewhat more easily find the file again to link to.

The sad fact of the matter is that I have a sinking feeling that ePortfolios is not on anyone's radar at the moment at Instructure to do much about.  There is not even a mention of any development in the Canvas Studio page, so I fear there will be few if any improvements, at least in the short term.  (I will be delighted if someone from Instructure corrected me on anything I stated above, though!)

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