[ARCHIVED] Multiple People Editing a Quiz (legacy quizzes)

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We have a course that has multiple instructors who all contribute to quizzes.  We have had instances when two people try to edit a quiz at the same time.  They do not get a warning that someone else is editing and one of their edits gets overwritten.  Does anyone have solutions for a better workflow?  Is it possible to see when someone else is editing a quiz? 

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Community Coach

Does anyone have solutions for a better workflow?

In general, within current Classic Quizzes, it is best to only have one person editing a quiz at any one time.  What you described earlier would be expected behavior when two or more people are editing the quiz at the same time.  The quiz is not like a Google Docs document on the cloud where you can have multiple people editing it at one time.

Is it possible to see when someone else is editing a quiz? 

Unfortunately, no.  You *might* be able to see user activity in some way, but this wouldn't be via the Classic Quizzes screen.

NOTE: Instructure isn't adding any additional enhancements to Classic Quizzes...as it will eventually be phased out and replaced with New Quizzes.  Classic Quiz Sunset Timeline (Subscribe!) - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

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