[ARCHIVED] Need date of students' last submission

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At my institution, we're required to list the last date each student submitted as assignment. I don't know how to find the date of each student's last submission in the "New analytics" feature of Canvas. It used to be available in a chart in the analytics section, but now that that has changed to "new analytics," I don't know how a good way to find this. Here's an example of the old chart that I used to use to provide this info:


Labels (2)
In the Home screen for your section: Click the "Students" section: The LDA is the date that is under the "Last Participation" category (not "Last Page View"): *LDA can be the last date an assignment was submitted in IvyLearn OR their last day of class. For information on how to access Zoo...
1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @mkeller44 

If you click on STUDENTS in new analytics, you will see a last participation date. It seems to be the last time the student interacted with the course such as submitted a quiz or file. 

How do I view analytics for an individual student ... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

You might find the Access Report helpful. 

How do I view the course access report for an indi... - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

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