Hi Susan!
We created an Athletic Observer role in Blackboard 7 or 8 years ago. So when we moved to Canvas two years ago it was an expectation of our campus. We have had do to a lot of workarounds and communication to make it work. Luckily our Blackboard Admin stuck around long enough to help with that before retiring.
Some issues we have had:
Because we have 350-400 student athletes our Athletic Student Success Center is broken into teams. That means that a group of people need to have access to a student's information, not just one user. We first tried adding everyone in that group as an observer to each athlete, but that meant a bunch more users in a course and because of the way they show up in Canvas it was a lot more noticeable than in Blackboard. We have now gone to just adding one advisor for all athletes, but that is not ideal.
Also, because of the way that the Dashboard works, we had to create more user accounts for that person to distribute the courses so that their Dashboard would even open. How do you deal with that? Once the user is finally able to login they can obviously go to courses and unfavorite them, but initially the user was locked up and couldn't even get in because of the vast number of courses on their Dashboard.
I realize this may work really well for a school that assigns one student athlete to one advisor, but I am interested in how other schools do it.
We also send a message to all Faculty that have a student athlete in their course and explain what that looks like, what they have access to and how to contact the Advisor's office if they have more questions. We initially had a lot of faculty questioning their intellectual property rights. These advisors obviously have to do FERPA training every year.
We would love to find a better way.
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