[ARCHIVED] Parent App Calendar Events not Loading

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I've submitted a ticket to Canvas, no response yet.  Some parent/observer users in our school district receive the message in their parent app on their calendar with a red exclamation mark and the message "There was an error loading events.  Pull to refresh to try again."  I am also experiencing this issue.  The calendar events appear just fine in the web version.  We have tried the following:

  1. Logged out/in to the app
  2. Uninstalled/reinstalled the app
  3. Rebooted the device
  4. Verified the iOS up to date
  5. Unpaired with student/re-paired with student

Nothing seems to resolve the issue.  Any help or advice would be appreciated.


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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

3.3.2 is available (I think it was shared on 10/22)! I hope that fixes the calendar sync issues for you.

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