[ARCHIVED] Printing a Quiz

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In our K-8 schools, we have students who need their tests read aloud by aides.  Since aides are not teachers in our courses (and we choose not to allow them that access), we are in need of printed copies of our Canvas quizzes for the aides to read while the student is taking their quiz on Canvas.  Can anyone help us with printing a copy of a Canvas quiz?  Are there any options for exporting to ExamView?  We cannot print 10 pages for a quiz that really should print as 1.


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1 Solution
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Community Team

Hi  @jbogacki ‌ -

You're not the only one who's asked this! (Printing a Quiz) It's a great question.

I'll copy my answer here too! Smiley Happy

Printing quizzes can be a "messy" process. When you print from the browser, I know that the quiz can be broken in strange places. My colleagues and I have also tried the copy/paste method. It's time-consuming, and the formatting isn't always consistent. It works, but you definitely have to plan ahead. I also have some colleagues who write all of their questions in a Google Doc and then copy/paste them into Canvas Question Banks. That way, they have the original quiz elsewhere and it's easy to print.

If you are the Canvas Admin, or you have the ability to collaborate with them, my school has had luck with this wonderful resource that Chad Scott shared in Print Canvas Quizzes UserScript. We've absolutely loved having this option, especially when we need paper tests/quizzes for students who have accommodations or simply as a back-up. Other people have used  @G_Petruzella ‌'s solution he shared in Printable Quizzes code-snippet.

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