[ARCHIVED] Question Banks in New Quizzes

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I am looking to create a New Canvas Quiz (similar to the old style) where I can say I want 5 random questions from Bank A, 5 random questions from Bank B, etc. If you were to retake the quiz, you would be assigned a different random set of 5 questions from each bank. 

In Classic Quizzes you could make question groups that allowed for this, but I do not see that option in New Quizzes. Suggestions?

I already have banks made in New Quizzes. 

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1 Solution
Community Champion


For clarification purposes -- there was never any functionality in Classic Quizzes that allowed you to guarantee that students would receive a completely different set of questions with each attempt. There was always the chance that you would receive a question that you had seen before. The same is true for New Quizzes.

This lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide may explain how to accomplish what you're after with New Quizzes: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26425-how-do-i-add-all-items-or-a-random-set-from-an-item-b... 

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