[ARCHIVED] Question on enrollment_term_id

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Is there always a 1:1 relationship between a course and enrollment term (I believe a course can only exist in one term at a time, but wanted to confirm)?  Also, we see enrollment_term_id in the quiz_submission_fact and submission_fact, but not in the requests table.  For requests, looks like we need to go through course_dim to get enrollment_term.  Is that by design?  Please advise, thanks!

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Matt is correct there should be only a single enrollment term per course.   Not including the enrollment id in the requests table is an oversight.   We have this same problem in other tables as well.   One of our tasks before release is to take a pass over the schema and make sure all foreign keys are denormalized transitively.   We will try to make this happen as early as possible. Joining through course_dim is a good work around for now and will continue to work in the future.

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