UPDATE 2/14/2024: I had my first user try to take the program from enroll in the catalog. The button at the end of each course does not work. I had to walk the user through how to find the Begin Course button in their Student Dashboard in the catalog. 😞 That's 7 steps total and more clicks than that because they have to log in.
The button *does* work for the volunteer that was enrolled manually by me to review and provide feedback before I created the Program. My guess is Canvas will only acknowledge that the user completed a course before they can continue to the next one through the catalog. After they click Begin Course in the catalog, the button works.
The HTML code is below for buttons that I use. This information was provided to me several years ago from a Canvas person. Plus, there are two posts about buttons in this community:
Creating an inviting course home page: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Instructional-Designer/Creating-an-inviting-course-home-pa...
Using the Canvas Styleguide: Buttons https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Instructional-Designer/Using-the-Canvas-Styleguide-Buttons...
<h3 style="text-align: left;"><span><strong><a class="Button Button--success" href="[putlinkhere]" data-api-endpoint="[putlinkhere]" data-api-returntype="Page">GET STARTED</a></strong></span></h3>
Some colors may not work for you. From what I understand, it depends on which ones are in the CSS for your instance of Canvas. I suggest playing around with it in a sandbox course to see what works for you. 🙂
- "Button" is a plain button.
- "Button Button--primary" is blue.
- "Button Button--secondary" is dark gray.
- "Button Button--success" is green.
- "Button Button--warning" is orange.
- "Button Button--danger" is red.
This discussion post is outdated and has been archived. Please use the Community question forums and official documentation for the most current and accurate information.