[ARCHIVED] Reporting on sub-account admins

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I frequently find myself wanting to get a report that lists all sub-account admins and the sub-accounts they "admin".

In the most recent case, I have an Admin role that I would like to delete.  I don't think anyone is in that role, but in case I'm wrong, I'm hesitant to delete it.

Or, sometimes people who I know have an admin role in more than one sub account change positions within the university, and I want to be sure I delete them from all of their sub accounts, but again I don't have a good way to confirm that I've hit them all.

I don't think any of the provisioning reports gets at this, or if so, I've yet to find it.  I could navigate down the sub-account tree, but in our instance that would be very tedious.

Any ideas? Or should getting an Admin report be a feature request?


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1 Solution
Community Champion

I think this would be a helpful report, needed for all the Account Roles. I use the Last User Access report, and have to sort by 'user sis id', which shows me a partial list at least of the accounts that we have that are generic for departments, etc. But where our regular accounts have additional access, a definitely needed report.

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