Community Champion
Apr 2, 2015 11:04:09 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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1) No sunset: Continue to support both old and new quizzes into the foreseeable future. This is based on the fact, which I have heard no one convincingly refute, that because new quizzes was develope...
Scott Dennis and Instructure have done a remarkable job constructing this community. Both the radically innovative notion of including customers in the discussion of product direction, and the implem...
I believe, to follow along with the garden analogy, that you are headed "down the garden path." The behavioral economics principle of "loss aversion" is pretty well established - tha...
@SuSorensen @atcarver @chriscas @lisa_wathen @milesl @rshultz @n_adamson @briddell @venitk @DeletedUser @michelle_coots @gncrum @mjennings @tarn...
Build on what @samuel_heer said. While I acknowledge that there is a lot I like about new quizzes (despite my frequent carping comments about them (including this one), we expect a very rocky tran...
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Problem statement:
At the end of every semester it seems we deal with several instructors who have inadvertently created assignments worth 0 points, and in many cases (except where they chose to displ...
Two questions about the Student Analysis Report:
- The notes say it will be a feature option, but in Beta it isn't listed on the feature options page, though it is available on the Reports page in...
This seems to me like sound pedagogy, but I think it could be a very heavy lift to code. Checkpoints have been on the docket since 2015. They were originally expected to arrive with the discussion r...
Do you surmise that the increased engagement was because people were competing for "likes," or that seeing the "liked" posts float to the top generated more engagement specifically fo...
Hi Jenn,
The other side of this argument also makes sense to me. If replies to replies are encouraged, that might place all of the focus of the discussion on a single topic, which could potentially d...
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