[ARCHIVED] Restrict teachers in changing Course settings

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Is there a way to restrict teachers in changing course settings? Such as Participation/Large Course/Grading scheme. I've had a look through Course permissions but couldn't find an option that suits.

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2 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @Wineke 

Thank you for contacting Canvas Support. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with restricting teachers from changing course settings. This is certainly possible and  you can restrict them from adjusting dates, participation, grading schemes, etc. 

Here is the Canvas guide: 


Basically, go to your permissions page and look at the course teacher role you have there. The majority of  this would be under "Course Content - add/ edit / delete"  And there are sub-permissions within that category. If you click on that  permission you can get a full overview and details with the pop up on the right. Then, you can limit and choose how much of the course settings you let teachers edit themselves. Hopefully this helps!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Wineke 

If you are trying to ensure consistency across multiple copies of the same course, you might take a look at the Blueprint functionality, which lets you set up a course as a "blueprint" with specific content and settings being synced/locked in all the courses associated with that blueprint.

There's bit more information about blueprint functionality at https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Admin-Guide/How-do-I-enable-a-course-as-a-blueprint-course-as-an-... and https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Video-Guide/Blueprint-Courses-Overview/ta-p/383201 

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