[ARCHIVED] Rich Content Editor for Quiz Questions

Community Champion

I have submitted a Feature Idea to Canvas that opened for voting August 5th, and I am hoping you will check it out and vote it up so that Canvas will consider it.

The Feature Idea is titled "Rich Content Editor (RCE) for Matching Question Types." The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available to use in *most* quiz question types, but not Matching questions. A lot of instructors would like to use images, or bold/italicize text, or use other options in quiz answers, and without the Rich Content Editor instructors are not able to do that. It needs to be available to use in ALL quiz questions types.

The direct link to the Idea is https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/2231. Please consider adding a comment as well, and please also ask your fellow instructors to vote on this also.

Thanks for your consideration!

Elizabeth Jackson

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