[ARCHIVED] Ruberic

Community Member

I would like to create an assignment that has a rubric that allows grading at check in points that will not hold all of the grades down in the beginning,  For example a 7 criterion rubric that the students will submit and resubmit 7 times, Each criterion is worth 10 points for a total of 70 points.  The first time submission is worth 10 points on the first criterion, the second time the submission will be worth 10 points on the second criterion for a total of 20 points,  the third time the submission will be worth 10 points on the third criterion for a total of 30 points and so on.  Right now when they submit the first time they are earning 10/70, The second time 20/70, the third time 30/70.  Unfortunately this is forcing their grade down until they have finished turning in all of the activity.  I have started having them turn in the submission using separate assignments using a url submission but they can't seem to manage this.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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