Hello ehess,
Welcome to the Canvas Community!
After I create an "assignment" a "rubric" button appears at the bottom of the page. Once I have created or selected a previously developed grading scheme, the #rubric appears in the right dialogue box for every students assigned.
Here is an example of my work flow:
After I create the assignment the "rubric" button appears.

When selected a dialogue box appears ready for me to create a new rubric or select from previously created rubrics.

This is what it looks like when I'm choosing from previously created rubrics:

Once I create or select my rubric the "rubric" button disappears and the appropriate rubric takes its place. This will be seen by assigned students. I love this feature because it gives students knowledge on how I'm grading an assignment.

After navigating to "#SpeedGrader" I will see the "view rubric" button in the upper right hand corner. If the assignment does not have a rubric attached, this button will not be visible.

Once selected, the rubric expands to allow for marking.

Once marked and saved this score can be automatically transferred to the grade book, if you have chosen the "use this rubric for assignment grading" option as seen on the second screen shot above.
Does all of this make sense? Does this address your question/challenge? Please let me know. I enjoy brainstorming solutions :-).
All the very best,
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