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Could people post sample SQL they are using and short description of what it pulls?

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1 Solution

Hi Matt, I realize this is an old post but I just came across it and wanted to see if I could help, if you haven't already solved it.   When trying to match Redshift to the Canvas Analytics numbers, have you tried limiting your data by the workflow_state for both the item that you are trying to count (assignments, discussions, etc) and for the courses in the account?

By selecting data from course_dim with a workflow_state of either 'active' or 'completed' and then finding the right combinations of the workflow_state's of the other dimension tables, I have some queries that seem to work for me.  I have only tested this on a few accounts, but when I did my query results matched the numbers returned in a Canvas Analytics API call.

My queries are below. I have union-ed them here to simplify testing, they just need the canvas id's for a term and an account.  It should return number of Courses, Subaccounts, Students, Teachers, Discussion Topics, and Assignments in an Account.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions.


SELECT 'courses' AS item, COUNT(DISTINCT id)

FROM course_dim

WHERE enrollment_term_id IN (SELECT id FROM enrollment_term_dim WHERE canvas_id = [TERM CANVAS ID])

AND account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_dim WHERE canvas_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] OR parent_account_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] )

AND workflow_state IN ('available', 'completed')


SELECT 'subaccounts' AS item, COUNT(DISTINCT id)

FROM account_dim

WHERE parent_account_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID]


SELECT CASE WHEN d.type LIKE 'StudentEnrollment' THEN 'students' WHEN d.type LIKE 'TeacherEnrollment' THEN 'teachers' END AS item, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id)

FROM enrollment_dim AS d JOIN enrollment_fact AS f ON (d.id = f.enrollment_id)

WHERE type IN ('StudentEnrollment','TeacherEnrollment')

AND workflow_state IN ('active','completed')

AND f.course_id IN


                          FROM course_dim

                          WHERE enrollment_term_id IN (SELECT id FROM enrollment_term_dim WHERE canvas_id = [TERM CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_dim WHERE canvas_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] OR parent_account_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND workflow_state IN ('available','completed')


GROUP BY d.type


SELECT 'discussion_topics' AS item, COUNT(DISTINCT d.id)

FROM discussion_topic_dim AS d JOIN discussion_topic_fact AS f ON (d.id = f.discussion_topic_id)

WHERE workflow_state <> 'deleted'

AND f.course_id IN


                          FROM course_dim

                          WHERE enrollment_term_id IN (SELECT id FROM enrollment_term_dim WHERE canvas_id = [TERM CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_dim WHERE canvas_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] OR parent_account_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND workflow_state IN ('available','completed'))


SELECT 'assignments' AS item, count(distinct d.id)

FROM assignment_dim AS d JOIN assignment_fact AS f ON (d.id = f.assignment_id)

WHERE workflow_state <> 'deleted'

AND f.course_id IN


                          FROM course_dim

                          WHERE enrollment_term_id IN (SELECT id FROM enrollment_term_dim WHERE canvas_id = [TERM CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account_dim WHERE canvas_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] OR parent_account_id = [ACCOUNT CANVAS ID] )

                                    AND workflow_state IN ('available','completed'));

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