[ARCHIVED] SCORM package as ungraded assignment still shows 0 pts

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Community Novice

Hi All! 

I'm uploading a SCORM package as assignment, and marking it as an ungraded assignment. But when I add it to the module, it automatically comes up as a graded assignment with 0 pts. I' afraid the "0 pts" will confuse students. Is there a way to remove it?

Earlier, my other SCORM packages imported as ungraded assignments worked great and had no such issues. But today, I had to upload a new version of a module, and I can't seem to get rid of the "0 pts". PLease see attached screenshot. 

Thank you so much for the help! 


334143_zero pts.png

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Here is the final message in my chain with Canvas. It looks like this issue cannot be fixed:

Hello Kevin, 

My apologies, as I believe there is a misunderstanding between the functionality of the SCORM in Canvas and your goals for how you would like it to work in the gradebook. 

If I am understanding your goal for a solution, it is that all the SCORM assignments imported as "ungraded" should NOT appear in the gradebook at all. Is that correct?

If so, I'm afraid there is a conflict between that goal, and the functionality of the SCORM assignment imports.

The following explanation is in reference to our corporate SCORM guide found here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10312-4152340211

All SCORM assignments are imported as External Tool Assignment Submissions-- (even when imported as ungraded)  https://share.getcloudapp.com/JruWNZ5w which means that they will by their nature be assigned a point value, and are housed in the external tool submission type.

This also means that if you remove the "submission type" or make it "not graded" (not graded also removes submission type, or any submission) then the SCORM  LTI is no longer valid, and as you indicated, the content is removed.  This is because the SCORM *is* the LTI submission/external tool configuration. 

This is part of the proper functionality, not a bug or misbehavior, or issue related to Canvas that needs to be fixed. 

That said, there is a feature request in progress that is directly related: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/14975-non-graded-scorm-assignment I have also attached this case to this feature request. 

Please go vote on this feature request, and encourage other instructors/administrators to jump in and vote for this as well. If enough people vote, this will be considered for implementation and development, and that would be the way to achieve your goal as outlined in the beginning.   

I hope this has provided some clarification and information that is useful to you. 

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