[ARCHIVED] Ser inte hela gränssnittet i mina apple-devices [Can't see the whole interface in my apple devices]

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Community Novice

Har problem att navigera och se allt i Canvas. Har apple-grejer, dator, ipad och iphone. Förstår att det kan synas mer i datorn än i apparna men ser faktiskt minst där. Se bifogade bilder. 

Tack för snabb hjälp!

[telephone number redacted by the Community Team to preserve privacy]

Carina M Koutakis

Translation from Google Translate:

Having trouble navigating and seeing everything in Canvas. Has apple stuff, computer, ipad and iphone. Understands that it can be seen more in the computer than in the apps but actually looks at least there. See attached pictures.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello,  @carina_koutakis  and  Welcome to the Canvas Community! I wanted to let you know that we've removed your telephone number from the post as it otherwise would have been visible to anyone on the web.

Your screenshots indicate that you are attempting to access Canvas on a MacOS device through the Safari browser, and the most common reason for the errors you've encountered is an out-of-date/unsupported browser. In order to update Safari to the most recent versions (currently Safari 12 and 13 are supported), you'll first need to update the MacOS to a version that supports current versions of Safari. Please refer to this comprehensive discussion: Hello, I have a problem with the website canvas. It is not working properly, I am using this time a ... 

After you've updated Safari to 12 or 13, please try to access your Canvas courses again. If you continue to reach the same screens, contact Canvas Support for additional assistance. General instructions are in How do I get help with Canvas as a student? but your school's support setup might vary somewhat, in which case ask your local IT Department for additional troubleshooting assistance.

Good luck!

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