[ARCHIVED] SpeedGrader Drade dropdown menu customization

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When I click on the grade box in speed grader, a dropdown menu appears with score choices of 100, 0, 10, 24, 26.

I have no idea where it came up with these numbers - 24 may have been a possible grade on one assignment, but its not common.

I would like to be able to customize these values with numbers that make sense my grading practices, like an 100, 85, 70, 0 - with 85 & 70 being grades commonly given when a specific part of an assignment is omitted, etc.  This would also be helpful for the teacher that grades homework with a check+, check, check-zero process where each of those symbols corresponds to a different numeric grade.

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Community Team

Hi @CHardesty - While this isn't possible right now, there is an Idea open for consideration: Editable Assessment Autofill in SpeedGrader. If it matches the functionality you describe, consider contributing to the conversation and rating the Idea.

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