[ARCHIVED] SpeedGrader not showing Time and Date of Homework Turned in Late

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I am having trouble with anonymous grading, and the late date and time showing up in speed grader.

Here is what the Principal instructor sees:

No time and date for the lateness in speed grader

The instructor and I both believe that they should be able to see the time and date next to the "LATE" word, as displayed below (note the date and time of the turn-in to the right of the red word "LATE" notification:


Does anybody have any solutions to this problem? The instructor uses this information to accommodate adjust the points that are given for different amounts of lateness.

This appears to be occurring in two of her classes, and her grader is also getting the same problem.

We tried to fix this in different browsers, hard-refreshed, and on different machines. 

How do I help my instructor see the date and time of late turn-ins in speed grader? 

Thank you in Advance,


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