[ARCHIVED] Speedgrader; Multiple Submissions; No score showing up in Canvas Grades

Community Explorer

My student made six submissions (attempts) for a Canvas Quiz, which was set to keep the highest score. His 3rd attempt had the highest score (Canvas correctly said ... this is not the most recent).  The total number of points was 14 on the quiz and the student got 14 points on his 3rd attempt.  The lower left corner says "Final Score 14 out of 14".  On the right, below the student name, it says Assessment, Grade out of 14 is 14.  On the upper left, it saysScore for this attempt: 14 out of 14.  I have clicked "Submit Score" and "Update" more than a few times, and the little Page (?) icon is still showing in Canvas Grades (although when I click on it, it says 14 / 14).

Why cant I see the grade in Canvas Grades?

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