Pleased as punch! 
I'm in higher ed and we have courses that use PDF readings. The ability to annotate this documents on-the-go is wonderful! I tried it out on my Android phone yesterday and though the text was really tiny, I could pinch-and-zoom on the document to get it to a readable state and then use the highlighter to mark up the document. I then emailed a copy to myself and uploaded it to my google drive. Later on, I was showing a colleague the feature (after I had closed my app) and wunderbar! the annotations I had made were still there.
This cached copy of the document on my device saving the annotations is grrrrreat! Many of our working students only get a few minutes here and there and using the mobile annotations feature is a wonderful way for them to mark up a reading bit by bit and keep those annotations between sessions. I've already passed on this great news to a few instructors that I know rely heavily on their PDFs.
We have not experimented with turning in these PDFs, but I did notice some folks mentioning issues. If at all possible, can we keep the feature where the cached copy of the document stays on the device. Does closing the app mean the same thing as logging out? Gee I hope not. I reeeeealllly like having the document persist with my annotations and then the ability to share it in lots of ways (upload to Canvas, email, print, Google Drive.):smileycool:
Now the only challenge is making sure the PDFs start off as accessible documents. Does opening the PDF in Canvas (to make annotations) do anything to the accessibility like remove tags, or flatten the recognized text layer?
Thanks much - Shar
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