[ARCHIVED] To know basic about course

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I'm not getting the course.How to start it with.What to do .Plz help me.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello  @saimamunir58617  and welcome to the Canvas Community! Thanks for reaching out and your question. To get a better understanding, do you need help getting familiar with Canvas as a student? Or is it something in particular in reference to the course your taking?

If it's getting started for the first time on Canvas and/ or navigating, please check out the how-to guides below I've listed to begin with: 

How can I use Canvas on my mobile device as a student? 

How do I sign up for a Canvas account as a student? 

How do I view Assignments as a student? 

How do I use the Course Home Page as a student? 


Hope this helps in the meantime and please do reach out if you have other questions. Thanks!

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