[ARCHIVED] Two questions about creating a custom role based on the student role

Community Novice

My admin needs to create a custom "tutor" role based on the "student" role for some of our student tutors. Here are my questions:

  1. What needs to be selected so that the student can post announcements? It looks like "Discussion-Moderate" needs to be selected? Does "Discussions-Manage" also need to be enabled in the "Discussion-Create" category?
  2. Is there a way to allow the new "tutor" role to view pages that have not yet been published, but not to edit or delete pages?

Here's a link to the page I've been using to guide my understanding: Canvas Course Role Permissions: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tr-learncanvas/docs/Canvas_Permissions_Course.pdf

Thanks for any tips!

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