[ARCHIVED] Using Discussion as de-facto attendance taking

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I'm trying to use (and perhaps incorrectly) the Discussion feature to take attendance, which is also worth bonus points.

Since there's no bonus point functionality, I've created the Discussion as zero points and then graded the discussion as .5 points.   I tried to go back and 'fix' previous discussions, but it doesn't look like it worked.  When I updated the points from .5 to 0, the system told me that I had to re-grade the assignment.  However, I don't see a way to reset the grades and regrade them. 

How do I reset grades? or rather, tell the system I want to re-grade? 

Can I use discussions this way? I would like the students to see each others answers, which makes this a preferred method over just using assignments.   There is a rubric attached, do I need to update the rubric with extra points? 



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1 Solution

Hi @KatrinaThompson 

You can use the discussion board like you are intending. 
However, when you edit the points for an item that was graded already, Canvas will require you to verify the grades. You would need to go the speedgrader and regrade the students. But for new discussions, you should have no problems setting them up as 0 points and giving students points as extra credit.

here is a guide on extra credit:
How do I give extra credit in a course? 

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