[ARCHIVED] Video Station Creation

Community Explorer

Our district is in year 2 with Canvas. Last year I was able to go to another district close to us and see how their Primary levels used Canvas in their classroom. Many of them "cloned" themselves for use during their Reading block or station time. I taught a couple of teachers how to create a media recording in Canvas using their laptops or iPads for students to access their stations for that week. I've been asked to teach this to an entire staff and they are super hesitant. They aren't seeing the value of this and how it could save them time. They've seen the video I recorded of the school I visited where the teacher was having a guided reading group going, one group was following a Scholastic News and questions she had recorded for them and they were viewing and following, and another group was following another video of the teacher going through their word work station and what they needed to complete there. 

Is there anyone out there that knows where I can find more examples for them to see? They would love to see classrooms in action in grades K-4 using Canvas to access station work. Anybody have any ideas and can help? 

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