[ARCHIVED] What are the limits on a Canvas trial account?

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I signed up for a Canvas trial account. I am wondering what are the limits on the trial account. Thanks.

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Community Champion

Hi xuebingbiz Thank You for your question.

Hidden Gems: K-12 Free For Teacher  was posted today by  @Kelvin_Dean . It outlines some of the possibilities in the free version and what would be missing if you are used to the paid version.

I guess it depends on what you are used to, and what you need Canvas for. 

Free-for-Teachers Fun! has some interesting points to make too. 

Oh and a few more gems:

The benefit of free-for-teachers 

Class size limit for free for teacher tier? 

Free and on Fire! or A Couple of Uses of Free For Teachers 


And a 'need to know FAQ Free-for-Teacher Account FAQ 

Something to keep in mind is the potential abuse of FFT outlined by  @scottdennis ‌.

I hope that helps.

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