[ARCHIVED] What happened?Can anybody rescue me?

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I was doing great in my class, submitting my assignments looking forward to the last day of this semester, and enjoying my holiday with my family. When I checked my grade it was an F. I looked to see what happened and the last 7 assignments that I submitted on time did not get to the prof. Even my final did not go through. On the prof end, it shows as missing and my final as never opened. On my end, every assignment and final was turned in and it gave me a return of "submitted" when I would check back it just showed as not graded yet. NOW nobody is listening to me. I emailed the prof and all she would say is contact tech support I called no answer I emailed no answer. She refused to help me and instead contacted her colleagues saying she won't offer anything to help change my grade. All everybody else is doing is looking at their side of canvas which of course shows missing and never opened. They want proof that I submitted those assignments but how am I supposed to show proof when I didn't know they weren't going through.  They are instead attacking me saying that I could have emailed those assignments. The prof never offered that option but she told her colleagues she did. I need to know why this happened and get some kind of letter that this does happen so they can give me a chance to complete my class. This is not ok.

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Hazel,

This community is a public discussion board for Canvas users from different schools all over the world, so I'm afraid we have no access to your school's Canvas courses.  

You will really need to talk to the Help Desk or Canvas Support at your school to have them investigate what may have happened with your assignments.  If you have concerns over your grade, the academic affairs folks at you school are the ones you will want to talk to.

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Community Champion

@HazelBuckley @mzimmerman  is 100% correct, you really need to reach out to your school's Canvas or IT team.  One suggestion I might make though, if you can look at your computer's browser history and screenshot any evidence of you submitting the assignments.  If it will let you revisit the links showing successful submission (guessing it will not but it is worth a try) and screenshoot that, that would be very helpful.  

Canvas does log basically every click you make and your school's Canvas administrator can see those logs which does indicate when you are on the submission page of an assignment.  It is possible you lost network connection or something went wrong during submission so it appears to work for you but not on what the teacher can see.  This is very rare but I have helped students/teachers show that a student did access the submission area.

Good luck!


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