[ARCHIVED] Why has the way Canvas handles team assignments changed? Can we go back?

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My class at the University of Michigan has a split between assignments directed at individuals and assignments directed at teams.  My question concerns just the assignments directed at teams.  Last year, within Canvas I was able to setup Team Assignments that when I went into the Speed Grader (or download) showed only the Team entities the assignment was directed to -- in my case, there were 10 teams (Team A - Team J).  These teams are set in the "People" tab of Canvas.  This year, I have 8 teams (Team A- Team H), but when I go into speed grading, all I see are the 36 individual students.  The students when they go to submit the files for the assignment this year also just see their names as individuals -- last year, they just saw Team names similar to what I saw in Speed Grader.  

The Canvas experts here agree I have loaded the teams correctly in both the People tab and the assignments and had no idea that this Team functionality had changed.  This is causing confusion to students and has already resulted in extra work for me and the grader since now we get multiple entries (which may be different) for each team due to student anxiety that they don't want to miss an assignment.  

It worked well last year, why was it changed and how can I get the proper team assignment functionality back for the students and for me?

This bothers me a lot!!!      

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

 @ahyde1 , greetings I used teams all last semester (Aug - Dec) and it seemed to be working as intended. If this isn't your experience, then I recommend contacting Canvas Support to see if they can help. To do this, click on the Help link in Canvas and "Report a Problem."


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