[ARCHIVED] Widget course grade not visible

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I’ve used the canvas widget for two years now. This semester the assignments that have been graded lost correctly but my final course grade isn’t visible. Only on class shows and i’m taking two. I checked to see if the courses were favorited and they are. Why would it do this? I want to be able to see my grade quickly. 

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @tmaat01 

Sorry to hear you are having that issue! Teachers can choose to hide grade totals from their students, you may want to reach out to the teacher for that class to determine if that is what they are doing.

If you find out they are not, you can try uninstalling the app, signing in to your account via web and going to your account settings. From there look for Canvas for iOS under approved integrations and remove it. Restart your device and then reinstall the Canvas app.

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