[ARCHIVED] Would like to hear from K-12 admins who use cross-listing in secondary schools.

Community Contributor

We've been using cross-listing in our pilot school for 2 years and just began the API load of the cross-listed csv file beginning with 2nd semester this year. This is a magnet school, so does not have the typical beginning of year madness that our mainstream schools experience with count changes.

Now that we're expanding Canvas into all secondary schools beginning next fall, our administration is concerned about the ramifications with cross-listing due to course changes that occur into October as enrollment settles.

We do cross-listing on sections because we use a centralized course master so we can't group sections by course.  Our cross-lists are based on course code/section #/school code/teacher name.  We're concerned about course changes due to count where a course is merged, teachers get swapped, and other similar course/section changes.

Have you been using cross-lists in these types of circumstances?  If so, how do you handle these course changes?  Do you ask that teachers delay student submissions for a time period at the beginning of the school year?

Any information would be helpful - thanks!

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