[ARCHIVED] canvas: courses tab

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Super confused... My sons dashboard shows no courses. when clinking on the courses tab, then all courses, it shows passed courses and beneath that, future courses. at the top is says you are not enrolled in any courses and when i drag my mouse over the star icon it says this course cannot be added to the courses menu at this time. was wondering if tomorrow it will allow me to add the courses or if there's something i'm not doing correctly.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello  @ormcd920  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thanks for posting your question.  Mmost of the time, courses are controlled by access dates (course start/end dates).  That is why you see some of your son's courses listed under "Past Enrollments" and some under "Future Enrollments".  For courses that haven't officially started yet, those courses will move from the "Future Enrollments" section to the top of your son's screen once that date is reached.  This Guide will help you and your son with favoriting courses with the star icon (only active courses can do this): How do I customize my Courses list as a student?.  Finally, on the "All Courses" screen, if you are not seeing courses that should be listed there, you will need to reach out to someone at your son's school to check on this.  You may need to speak to someone at your school's Online Learning / eLearning department, your school's local Canvas administrator, or someone from the school's Registration department to see what is going on.

I hope this information will be of help to you, Oakley.  Please let Community members know if you have any other related questions.  Thanks...take care, stay safe, and be well.

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