[ARCHIVED] orientation

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Community Novice

- The first thing that attracted me about the university was the family like community. 

- I am excited to learn and become an Auburn tiger.

- I would feel more connected if we were on campus some.


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi Jolie,

Perhaps you meant to post this somewhere else?

This Canvas community is a public discussion board for Canvas users from different institutions all over the world.  It is not connected to your school or your course.

If you meant to post to a discussion board in your course, you will need to log into your school's Canvas server and go into the course.

There is some information about using Canvas discussion boards at https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-view-Discussions-as-a-student/ta-p/314 

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